Special Fixtures

Shock Absorber Tube Length

Shock Absorber Tube Length Checking Fixture

DRO Base system with Glass Scale to check verity of shock absorber Tube Length after welding of Cap
Range: 1000 mm
Least Count: 0.001Accuracy : 0.010mm


Shock Absorber Assembly Length Checking Fixture

To Check length of Shock Absorber Assembly in compress & Expand condition by using DRO & Magnetic Scale

Least Count: 0.010 mm
Accuracy: 0.010 mm
Range : 1000 mm

Crankshaft Dowel Pin Pressing Fixture

Crankshaft Dowel Pin Pressing Fixture

This is PLC controlled SPM to press dowel in crankshaft.

Issue: Operator requires more time to press dowel in to crankshaft by hammering on dowel pin. After pressing dowel operator trigger wheel by tighten three screws. No feedback of tighten torque & He will missed out to tighten all screws.

Solutions: We provide solution with Auto Dowel Pressing Machine with rotating facility & Torque feedback. Also provide Poke-Yoke to eliminate of missing of screw tighten.

We manufacture a wide range of products including precision hand-held measuring instruments ( calipers, dial gauges etc.), thread gauges and multi gauging solutions driven by air-electronic systems and computer softwares